1917 (2020)

Movie: 1917 (2020)
Language: English
Genre: War Drama / Action
Runtime: 2 hours
Writer and director: Sam Mendes

The story is set in the times of World War I, where two British soldiers Schofield and Blake gets orders to crossover into enemy territory and deliver a message that could potentially save 1,600 fellow soldiers, including Blake's own brother. This task should be accomplished in 8 hours.

To showcase this whole episode in a natural and intense manner the film was presented in two continuous single shots. Camera will be moving along with the lead cast and other characters. One of the leads Schofield played by George MacKay steals the show with flawless performance. On the other hand Blake played by Dean Charles Seamlessly involves into the mission, as this message is important to him personally in order to save his brother. 

Every aspect of the movie is brilliantly shot, one of the best scenes was the farmhouse episode, which is heart, breaking and you will get choked out.

This movie is directors Sam Mendes ambitious project, which was loosely inspired by his grandfather (veteran in World War 1) stories. His narration was gripping, needless to say that it is devoid of dull moments for entire 2 hours, which is pretty difficult to showcase in this manner with limited locations. 

Stunning cinematography by Roger Deakins leaves audience awestruck. He has a reputation of being best cinematographer in Hollywood and this movie is best example. The idea of filming the narration into two continuous single shots was great and he made it look simple on the big screen. This type of filming makes the viewers immerse into the story and follow it. Editor Lee Smith with unnoticed smooth transitions and perfect cuts has very well supported him. Thomas Newman's background score was perfectly harmonised with the story.

1917 is an intense war movie with masterful performances and spellbinding narration, which makes it a perfect watch on big screen. It is best contender for Oscars.

Finest classic war movie since Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan.

Rating: 5 / 5 Stars

Trinath Kishore Damera


  1. Thank you for a great review and perspective on this movie. Why font you upload your review into a youtube channel

  2. Such a nice review.
    Gives us a precise
    view of the movie.
    Good Job Sir👍

  3. Awesome sir, waiting for PARASITE movie review,👌


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