HIT – The First Case (2020)
Movie: HIT – The First Case (2020) Language: Telugu Genre: Investigative Thriller Runtime: 2hr 6min Writer and director: Sailesh Kolanu The film starts with an eighteen year old girl, Preethi’s strange disappearance. Few months after that Neha (Ruhani Sharma) will also be missing in similar pattern. Vikram Rudra Raju (Vishwak sen) an aggressive police officer begins the investigation and find outs the culprit. Vishwak Sen was perfectly casted in the role of Vikram (a H omicide I ntervention T eam Cop). He has given settled performance and mostly impressive. His acting in post-traumatic attack scenes was realistic. Ruhani Sharma has done decent role and rest of the casting is perfect and believable. Director Sailesh’s (debutant) narration is gripping and from beginning to end it is clean investigative thriller needless to say he didn’t deviate from the plot. The way he introduces the protagonist character as good, intelligent...